Dachshunds are one of the most popular dog breeds in the United States and for good reason. They’re friendly and loyal, and they come in a variety of different colors and patterns! But with so many to choose from, it can be difficult to find the perfect match.
This post will help you narrow down your options by discussing everything from size to coat types. So read on if you want to learn more about which dachshund is perfect for you!
How do I choose a Dachshund?
If you are considering getting one of these wonderful dogs, there are some things to know before you make the decision on which dog is right for you. You want to make sure that the dachshund will fit into your lifestyle and be happy.
What type of Dachshund should I get?
First, figure out what size of Dachshund you want. There are two sizes: Standard and Miniature.
As you probably already know, Standard Dachshunds are larger and heavier than Miniature Dachshunds. Apart from this, there are some aesthetic differences between the two types.
Standard Dachshunds are more muscular. While Miniatures have more elastic and loose skin than Standard Dachshunds. This makes Miniature Dachshunds look more adorable due to the folds in their fur.
Apart from this, there are no major differences between the two types of Dachshunds.
Both types have the same personality and temperament. (We have written a more detailed post about the difference between Standard Dachshunds and Miniature Dachshunds that you can read here).
If you want to know more about the personality and temperament of dachshunds. We have written another post that may interest you. (Click here to read it)
So, if you live in a small apartment you might be better off with a Miniature Dachshund. However, if you live in a house or large apartment a Standard Dachshund will be the right doxie for you.
Related post: Types of Dachshunds: Sizes, Coats, and Colors

Are male or female Dachshunds better?
Male Dachshunds are larger and more muscular than females. They are also more playful and energetic than female dachshunds. In addition, males tend to show more aggressiveness towards other dogs. However, this depends a lot on the socialization and training that he receives as a puppy. (Click here to learn more about the importance of socializing with your Dachshund).
Female Dachshunds are calmer and less energetic than males. In addition, they are not usually aggressive with other dogs they meet on the street, but they are more territorial than males and tend to show aggressiveness when a strange dog enters their house.
Female Dachshunds are more dominant and bossy than males, female dachshunds will always try to dominate the other pets that live in the house, and if they can they will dominate humans as well.
Dachshunds are just as stubborn regardless of gender. However, females are less energetic than males, which makes it easier to train them, as they tend to pay attention longer than males.
If you are the type of person who has plenty of time to train and walk your dog, a male Dachshund will be great for you. But, if you don’t have a lot of time for playing or walking your dog, a female doxie might be the best option for you.
Which type of Dachshund sheds the least?
Dachshunds come with three types of hair. Short-Haired, Long-Haired, and Wire-Haired. All Dachshunds shed the same. The shedding of short-haired dachshunds is more manageable than the shedding of Long-Haired Dachshunds. Which will be more noticeable than other hair varieties.
In addition, Long-Haired Dachshunds need more grooming than the other types. These doxies need to be brushed frequently so their hairs don’t get tangled.
On the other hand, Miniature Dachshunds tend to shed less hair for the simple fact that they are smaller. We could say that this is another point in favor of the Miniature Dachshund.

Is it better to have 2 Dachshunds?
The answer is not straightforward, but here are some things you should consider when making a decision.
First off, there are obvious benefits to getting two dachshunds. First, they will keep each other company and play with each other all day long! If you work full time then getting two dogs might be something worth considering. This way, they will always have some company at home when you are not home.
After all, Dachshunds can suffer from separation anxiety when they are all alone. (Click here to read a post we wrote about separation anxiety in Dachshunds, and what you can do about it).
We have written a post about adopting a Dachshund, that might interest you.
However, getting two dogs means spending double on everything. From vet appointments to food, toys, and more. Getting to dogs is a financial commitment that you have to consider carefully.
Of course, the second dog doesn’t need to be a Dachshund. (Click here to know if Dachshunds get along with other dogs. And, click here if you want to know if Dachshunds get along with cats)
Final thoughts
If you’ve been considering getting a Dachshund, but aren’t sure which one to get, we hope this article has helped provide some clarity. Whether you have a lot of space and time available or not much at all, there is probably a perfect doxie for your family!
The best dog for you is the one that fits into your lifestyle. If you have a big house and don’t mind long walks, then get a Standard Dachshund to keep up with all of your needs! But if you live in an apartment and want something low-key, opt for the Miniature Dachshund instead. Every dachshund has its personality; think about what type suits yours before deciding which doxie will become part of your family.
Related post: Are Dachshunds Better in pairs
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