If you’re a dachshund owner, you may have noticed that your dog pees when he gets excited. This can be a bit of a nuisance, especially if it happens indoors. But what’s the reason behind this behavior? Is there anything you can do to stop it? In this blog post, we’ll explore why dachshunds pee when they get excited and offer some tips on how to deal with it. Read on to find out more.
The reason why your dog pees when he sees you is directly linked to a physiological response to the excitement your dachshund feels when you arrive home. After all day at home without you, the joy of the encounter makes the puppy momentarily lose control of the muscles that close its bladder, which produces the release of a few drops or more abundant urination. Generally, this problem disappears when the dog grows and has greater control of its bladder.
Your dog peeing when he sees you is a very common behavior during the puppy stage of the animal, however, following these suggestions, this behavior should disappear before the pet is 7 months old. If this behavior continues after this stage then it will be necessary to take your animal to a veterinarian to rule out any health problems, such as a urine infection or any bladder condition.
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Why does my dachshund pee when excited?
This behavior is more common than you think, especially in dachshund puppies because at this stage the dachshund has little control over his bladder and the excitement can make him lose control of his sphincters.
This accidental urination usually occurs because the dachshund is excited by the arrival of its owner at home, who they haven’t seen in several hours, or the presence of a specific person. It is also common for dachshund puppies to urinate during playtime.
Puppies normally grow out of excitement and urination as they mature. The problem is when this becomes a habit that drags until adulthood, causing problems at home. But don’t worry, this behavior can be corrected and improve the situation.
Signs of excitement urination in dogs
- Urination occurs when the dog is excited, such as during greetings or playtime.
- The dog is less than a year old.
- The dog is usually anxious (won’t sit still or is easily startled).
To prevent your dog from peeing when it sees you, the first and most important thing is to minimize the animal’s excitement that it associates with your arrival. It is normal that after spending a few hours away from home, when you arrive you fill your dog with pampering, attention, caresses, and affection, but it is precisely this that makes him feel very excited about your arrival that he ends up urinating.
To avoid this behavior it is important that when you get home, you do not greet your dachshund effusively until the dog calms down. Then you can approach your dog to greet him and give him the pats and hugs he needs.
This will help the dog begin to associate your arrival with a pleasurable moment that he will only get when he is calm. It is also a behavior that will help combat problems such as separation anxiety that some dogs suffer. Although at first, it can be very difficult to achieve, as the days go by you will get used to just pampering your dog once it has calmed down, you will see after a few weeks the urine losses are significantly reduced until they disappear.
This behavior must be followed by all the people who live with the pet.
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How do I stop my Dachshund from peeing when excited?
If your dachshund is no longer a puppy and continues to urinate when you get home, we recommend changing some habits so your dachshund stays calm when you get home and stops peeing out of excitement. Although at first, it may be difficult to achieve, as the days go by you will get used to doing them, and you will notice its effect on your dog. Remember, it is important not to reprimand the dachshund for peeing when excited because it is a physiological response that the dog cannot control.
Step 1.
The first thing we must do is determine whether your dachshund is urinating due to excitement and poor potty training or due to a health problem. If you notice that the dog has urinated in an inappropriate space or hasn’t waited for his walk while you were away, it may be that your dog needs to reinforce his potty training. It is also advisable to consult with a veterinarian to rule out any health problems. Excitement urination normally occurs in front of the owners along with a whole commotion of the dog’s celebration because you have arrived home or during playtime.
Step 2.
To prevent your dog from peeing when it sees you, the first and most important thing is to minimize the animal’s excitement that it associates with your arrival. Don’t make a ruckus when you get home, greet your dog calmly and serenely as if you just saw him a minute ago. Avoid petting him and giving him attention until the dog calms down.
This way your dog will be less excited when he sees you come home and he won’t accidentally urinate. Although at first, it can be very difficult to achieve, as the days go by you will get used to just pampering your dog once it has calmed down, you will see after a few weeks the urine losses are significantly reduced until they disappear.
It is very important that when you get home you moderate your tone of voice when greeting your dachshund. Speaking quietly will help control the dog’s anxiety and calm it down. On the contrary, if you greet him effusively and with a loud voice, your dog will become more excited than he should and will probably urinate. Simply put, don’t make a party when you enter the house.
Step 3
This same technique is also recommended at the time of farewell. No exaggerated farewells, excessive pampering, or affection. Because if you do these things, your departure will leave the animal extremely anxious and expectant of your return. This is something that can cause future destructive behavior that is difficult to handle.
Step 4
Do not punish or scold your dog. Scolding the puppy for this action can increase the problem by making your pet more anxious, which could cause this behavior to spread in the long term. However, there are options to correct this behavior without the need to reprimand the animal.
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What is submissive peeing in dogs?
Submissive peeing is a condition similar to excitement peeing. It occurs when the dog feels threatened or scared and loses control of its bladder, causing accidental urination. It can occur when the dog is being verbally reprimanded, or when a stranger approaches him, who in the dog’s perspective, is threatening. It is important to remember that this response is based on the dog’s perception of a threat, and not on the person’s actual intent.
Submissive urination occurs frequently in dachshunds who are shy, anxious, and easily startled. Dogs that suffer from submissive peeing tend to adopt submissive body postures such as crouching or rolling over to expose their belly. This is a very common condition in dogs that have been rescued or have not been socialized as puppies.
This condition can be resolved when the dog begins to socialize with other dogs and people. Depending on how shy the dog is, socialization should be done little by little so that the dog does not get scared and become anxious, which can be counterproductive. Training also helps the dog gain confidence and be less submissive.
Obedience training for a shy and fearful dachshund will help him gain confidence by learning to do new things and receive rewards and appreciation for carrying out the orders that human gives them. Just like people, feeling useful helps dogs improve their self-confidence.
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Does neutering help with excited peeing?
No, neutralizing your puppy does not help to solve excited peeing or submissive peeing. These are behavioral problems and must be solved with training and positive reinforcement. Medical procedures such as neutering do not work to solve behavioral problems. In any case, if you are thinking of neutering your puppy, talk to your veterinarian about the benefits and risks of doing this procedure before making a decision.
Related post: How to Potty Train a Dachshund Puppy
Final thoughts
So there you have it, the science behind why your dachshund pees when excited or scared. Now you can better understand this quirky behavior and know how to react when it happens. Keep in mind that your dachshund does not urinate on purpose. It is a physiological reaction to a strong emotion. Remember not to punish or scold your dog when this happens. Instead, put into practice the advice we have given you in this post so that your dog can overcome this inconvenience.
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