Dachshunds are known to be stubborn dogs. They possess a strong-willed and independent personality that requires patience and consistent training to manage their stubbornness.
Using positive reinforcement techniques and understanding their personality traits can help you establish a harmonious relationship with your Dachshund.
This is because Dachshunds were bred to think independently when hunting, creating an independent spirit within the breed that often leads to a refusal of commands from its master. However, with patience and some creativity you can successfully train your beloved pet!

Understanding Dachshund Stubbornness
Dachshunds are known for their curious elongated bodies and cheerful dispositions. But why is stubbornness so often associated with this breed?
Dachshunds are a hunting breed
Well, some theories propose that being bred originally for hunting underground creatures (badgers and rabbits) has led these dogs to develop a more independent streak than other breeds, which can be mistaken by many owners as willful obstinacy.
Dachshunds are very clever
What’s more, dachshunds are renowned for their smarts. However, when not trained or stimulated properly, that intelligence can easily translate into stubbornness.
Dachshunds know how to get what they want
Moreover, they’re expert manipulators and can give you puppy-dog eyes that will make your heart melt until they get what they want.
Training Techniques for Stubborn Dachshunds
To successfully train your beloved Dachshund, you must demonstrate unwavering dedication, consistency, and patience. Dogs are hardwired to find a leader in their pack; the key is for them to perceive you as such! If your pup does not understand that YOU are in charge of this ‘pack’, they may begin exhibiting overly assertive behavior.
If you own a stubborn dachshund, the secret to successful training is making it enjoyable and rewarding. Positive reinforcement and rewards-based techniques are especially beneficial for dachshunds and will help motivate them during training sessions.
Here is a useful video on how to train stubborn dogs
Overcoming Stubbornness in Dachshunds
You may be feeling discouraged if your dachshund is being uncooperative, but there’s no need to despair! Consistency in training will help them understand what behavior is expected from them and eventually develop into obedient companions.
Obedience training
If you’re having a hard time with your dachshund’s stubbornness, the solution is to set consistent limits and regulations. Teaching commands such as come, “sit”, “stay”, or “walk” on a leash without tugging can be useful in this case. Furthermore, these rules must be consistently enforced so that your pet understands them better and ultimately follows them more effectively.
Positive reinforcement
Understanding the importance of positive reinforcement is critical when training your dachshund.
Whenever they display good behavior, rewarding them with treats, toys, or verbal praise will encourage and reinforce that same behavior in future instances. Redirecting bad behaviors can be equally as important as ignoring them altogether!
Professional Training
If your dachshund’s stubbornness becomes too much to handle, professional training may be the answer. A certified dog trainer can show you and your pup the proper behaviors and help set boundaries for them to follow. Plus, they’ll give you helpful tactics that will make it easier for you to train your pooch at home! With their assistance, teaching a dachshund how to behave won’t seem as daunting of a task.
Related post: Why Is Socialisation So Important For Dachshunds?

Dachshunds are a lovable breed, renowned for their playful nature and unique looks. On the other hand, because of their obstinate personalities, it can sometimes prove difficult to train them properly. By recognizing why this trait manifests in dachshunds and utilizing appropriate training techniques, however, you’ll be able to help your beloved pet become a well-behaved companion that is obediently trained.
It is crucial to remember that since every pup is unique, what works for one dachshund won’t necessarily be successful in another. Moreover, it’s essential to seek advice from an experienced veterinarian regarding any underlying medical issues that may contribute to your pet’s unruly behavior.
With a patient yet persuasive approach towards training and practice, you can help your canine companion defeat their stubbornness so they become content and well-mannered!
Related post: Unveiling the Temperament of Dachshunds
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