How to Deal with Skin Problems in Dachshunds

dachshund skin problems

How to Deal with Skin Problems in Dachshunds

Having a pet is like having a child. You have to look after them and make sure that they remain healthy, happy, and safe. Whether you own a cat or dog, you must look after them properly. Dogs have medical issues that they might be dealing with. Skin problems in pets are one of the most common critical issues a pet parent has to deal with. These skin issues vary from common rashes to serious health conditions.

Dachshunds, like many other dog breeds, are prone to skin problems. They are prone to itchy skin and other allergy issues. This is normally because of allergic reactions to fleas, food, and various kinds of pollutants. However, certain problems may be genetic. Skin issues can be a significant discomfort for your pet.


Symptoms of Skin Problems in Dachshunds 

You can tell if your dachshund is having skin issues by observing some of the obvious symptoms. Itching is the most common symptom of a skin condition. When your dog feels agitated or irritated, he might have constantly scratched himself. Although dogs normally do scratch themselves, if it is doing it too often then you must check your dog’s skin to see if there is a problem. Other signs are skin soreness. Other symptoms of skin diseases include; dry skin, dandruff, redness bumps, rashes, and even hair loss. If your dog is facing any of these then you must consider visiting a vet immediately.

Common Skin Diseases

There are a series of common skin diseases found in Dachshunds. These are as follows:

Acanthosis Nigricans

It is a skin condition, which shows signs before your dog’s 1st birthday. The symptoms usually include darkening and thickening and hair loss of the skin. The skin gets greasy and flaky to the touch. The condition can spread in the dog’s body very fast. It is also known as hyperpigmentation, as it causes the darkening of the skin.

Yeast Infections

Dachshunds are known to suffer from yeast infections. This can occur in conjunction with Acanthosis nigricans, or all by itself. The symptoms include itchy skin, rash, skin thickening, and foul-smelling infections. Skin folds are normally particularly prone to yeast infections. It also includes inflammation in the skin, especially in areas such as the paw pad.


Hypothyroidism occurs due to insufficient hormone production by the thyroid glands. The symptoms of this skin issue involve dryness, skin thickening, discoloration, and hair loss. Since it is caused by hormonal changes in the dog’s body, you may see behavioral changes, lethargy, and intolerance to coldness. This condition isn’t life-threatening and can be treated by your vet. 

Pinnal Alopecia

Doxies are prone to pinnal alopecia or hereditary pattern baldness. In this breed, hair loss usually begins on the outer ears, eventually spreading over all or most of the body. By late middle age, the affected dog’s hair is virtually gone. His skin darkens completely or in patches.

Sarcoptic Mange (Scabies)

This is also very common. In this condition, small red spots like insect bites appear on the ears, elbows, and hocks. The most common sign of scabies is intense itching.


This is probably the most common problem for dogs. You can tell if a Dachshund has fleas if it is constantly scratching along the back, around the tail, and hindquarters. You can also find fleas and black and white gritty specks in the hair.


Mange is a severe skin condition caused by several species of mites that live on the dog’s hair and skin. There are two types of mange. One is demodectic mange’, which tends to affect dogs under one year old with another underlying condition. The other is the Sarcoptic mange caused by sarcoptic mites. This is an extremely intense, itchy condition and is often noticed on the dog’s ears. Symptoms of this include facial hair loss, and hair loss on the legs, along with severe itching and redness in the affected areas.


Ringworm is a fungus that is highly contagious to other animals and humans. The fungal infection appears as circular, crusty bald patches that are found on your dog’s head, paws, ears, and front legs. The skin of your dog can also appear inflamed and red after they have irritated the infected area from scratching.

dog skin disease


Dachshunds are also prone to many different kinds of allergies. They are a healthy breed; however, they do suffer from them occasionally. One thing you must know about allergies in dogs is that they can be caused by environmental allergens, food, and fleas. Dog food ingredients like; animal protein, corn, wheat, rice, and soya are the initial culprits of food allergies.  Dachshunds usually are allergic to corn and this is a common component in almost every tin-packed dog food. Some dachshunds are also allergic to chicken and even food coloring, so it’s best to check the diet of your dog before giving it to him.

Dachshunds are also one of the breeds that get allergies from the environment they live in. They are more disposed to allergies from pollen which is mainly a seasonal allergy. Pollen causes inflammation of the skin and irritation. Some plants, trees, grass, and mold spores are also known to cause allergies but are less common.

Related post: Dachshund Skin Allergies: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Serious Skin Issues

If you notice any lumps or bumps on the skin of your Dachshunds, then you must be concerned and should take your dog to the vet immediately. As these are signs of tumors and skin cancer. Some of the common skin tumors and skin cancers in a dachshund include apocrine gland tumors, which affect the anal sacs. Other than this, there is also a tumor called lipomas. It often occurs in this breed, and dogs are susceptible to a rare type of tumor known as diffuse lipomatosis. It affects the dog’s entire skin and results in prominent folds in the skin on the neck.

Dachshunds skin problems

Preventive Measures for Dachshund Skin Problems

Prevention is key to maintaining your Dachshund’s skin health. Here are some essential preventive measures:

  1. Regular Grooming: Regular brushing and bathing help remove dirt and allergens, keeping the skin clean and free from irritants.
  2. Healthy Diet: A balanced and nutritious diet can strengthen your Dachshund’s immune system, reducing the risk of skin problems.
  3. Flea Prevention: Use vet-recommended flea prevention methods to safeguard your pet from flea infestations and related issues.
  4. Environmental Control: Minimize exposure to potential allergens in your home environment, such as dust and pollen.
  5. Hydration: Ensure your Dachshund has access to fresh water at all times to prevent dry skin.

Treatment Options for Dachshund Skin Problems

1. Medicated Shampoos

Specialized medicated shampoos can effectively treat various skin conditions. These shampoos often contain ingredients like oatmeal or hydrocortisone, which soothe the skin and alleviate itching.

2. Topical Treatments

Topical treatments like creams and ointments can be applied to affected areas for targeted relief. Your veterinarian can recommend the appropriate treatment based on the specific skin problem.

3. Allergy Management

Managing allergies involves identifying and eliminating the allergen. In some cases, antihistamines or immunotherapy may be prescribed to control allergic reactions.

4. Hot Spot Care

Hot spots require careful cleaning and topical treatment to prevent infection and promote healing. Your vet can guide you on how to properly care for hot spots.

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Caring for a Dachshund’s skin requires a proactive approach and a deep understanding of their unique needs. Regular grooming, preventive measures, and timely treatment are essential in keeping your beloved pet free from skin problems. Remember, a healthy and happy Dachshund is a reflection of your love and dedication as a responsible pet owner.

Related post: Understanding Dachshund Allergies

Dachshund Central Team

We are a team of dachshund owners who have raised many dachshunds and other dogs. Our love for dachshunds is immense, and we want to share our experience with other owners. We provide tips based on our experience with these wonderful dogs.

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How to Deal with Skin Problems in Dachshunds